Workshops and Conferences
World Water Week 2013 “Water Cooperation: Building Partnerships”, Stockholm, Sweden 31.8.-5.9.2013
Joint Workshop SFB 700 & SustainableRIO, 13.9.2012
UN Konferenz zu Nachhaltiger Entwicklung, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 6.2012
19th Annual Conference on Multi-Organisational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks (MOPAN), Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 02.-04.07.2012
3rd Int. Symposium on Cross Sector Social Interactions: "Making a Difference: Enhancing the Impact of Partnerships for the Social Good" University of Erasmus, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 24.-25.05.2012
PhD Workshop 2010 and 2011, Göttingen, Germany
Internationaler Workshop „Transnational Governance: transforming global environmental politics?“, Durham University, UK, 27.-28.09.2010
Seminar: “Global Governance 2025”, EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), Session II: Governance by other means:regionalism, networks, partnerships Input by Dr. Marianne Beisheim on Partnerships, Paris, France, 07.-08.06.2010