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Südasien - Indien und Bangladesch

Community Sanitation Block in peri-urban slum area of Bangalore City (WSUP)

Community Sanitation Block in peri-urban slum area of Bangalore City (WSUP)

Fortified midday school meal in rural Rajasthan (GAIN and Naandi)

Fortified midday school meal in rural Rajasthan (GAIN and Naandi)

Small scale lighting project for street vendors in peri-urban Bangalore (REEEP)

Small scale lighting project for street vendors in peri-urban Bangalore (REEEP)

Field research on 18 selected projects from GAIN, GAVI, REEEP and WSUP was carried out in spring and autumn 2011 and covered the States of Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, New Delhi and West Bengal in India. Equivalent research was done in Bangladesh on national level, being based in Dhaka City.