D1-Project joins discussion at “International Workshop for MSP-Support Platforms”, 18-19 October 2017, Cologne, Germany
From 18-19 October 2017, Dr. Anne Ellersiek joined a discussion on the value of platforms for multi-stakeholder partnerships, organized by the Partnerships 2030 initiative (https://www.partnerschaften2030.de/). The workshop brought together partnership experts and about 30 representatives of partnership platforms from 17 countries. During two days, discussion centered around finding common understanding of multi-stakeholder partnerships and exploring the potential ‚added value‘ of platforms for partnerships. On the second day, the participants got together in smaller groups to exchange experiences and discuss specific issue areas, ranging from the governance of platforms to sustainable financing models. Eventually, participants explored the demand and opportunities for facilitating future dialogue and a community of practice on the issue of platforms for partnerships. In practical terms, participants got together in working groups on specific practical issues which will be facilitated by an online-dialogue platform hosted by the Partnerships2030 team. D1 team members Robin Faisst and Dr. Anne Ellersiek had contributed to the concept of the workshop.
For further information on the workshop follow this link: https://www.partnerschaften2030.de/en/learning-from-one-another-international-exchange-forum-for-msp-support-platforms/