Ordering the Colonial World around the 20th Century: Global and Comparative Perspectives
Introduction: Approaching Different Colonial Settings Nadin Heé and Ulrike Schaper
Law and Colonial Order. Legal Policy in German Cameroon between Civilising and Public Peace Ulrike Schaper
Cultivating the Periphery. Bolshevik Civilising Missions and ‘Colonialism’ in Soviet Central Asia Christian Teichmann
The American Way of Empire. The United States and the Search for Colonial Order in the Philippines Frank Schumacher
Japan’s Double Bind. ‘Civilised’ Punishment in Colonial Taiwan Nadin Heé
Colonialism as a European Project in Africa before 1914?. British and German Concepts of Colonial Rule in Sub-Saharan Africa Ulrike Lindner
Placing the Colonial State in the Middle. The Comparative Method and the Study of Empires Reo Matsuzaki