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Publication Directory

In our Publication Directory you can gain an overview over the variety of publications the SFB 700 has relaesed so far. Furthermore, you can search the list for individual authors or research projects.

Nomos Series "Schriften zur Governance Forschung"

Our German monograph series has been published by Nomos since 2005. The publications are explicitly targeted towards readers of all disciplines who are interested in governance.

Palgrave Series "Governance and Limited Statehood"

Our international monograph series has been published by Palgrave Macmillan since 2011. It is located at the intersection of global governance and international relations, on the one hand, and comparative politics, area studies, international law, history, and development studies, on the other.

SFB 700 Working Paper Series

Our Working Paper Series offers insight into the latest findings of our individual research projects at the SFB 700.

Data and Methods

The SFB 700 supports the Open Data Initiative and has released various quantitative datasets for download.


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