Publications Project Phase 1
Börzel, Tanja A. (forthcoming). ‘Fostering Regulation: Business and Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood.’ In: Börzel, Tanja A. and Christian Thauer (eds.), Business and Governance in South Africa. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Börzel, Tanja A., Hönke, Jana, Kranz, Nicole et. all. (forthcoming). ‘Racing to the Bottom or Racing to the Top? Conclusions’. In: Börzel, Tanja A. and Christian Thauer (eds.), Business and Governance in South Africa. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Börzel, Tanja A., Jana Hönke and Christian Thauer (forthcoming). Does it really take the State? Limited Statehood, Multinational Corporations and Corporate Responsibility in South Africa, Business and Politics.
Börzel, Tanja A., and Christian Thauer (2012). Business and Governance in South Africa. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
Börzel, Tanja A., Adrienne Héritier, Nicole Kranz, and Christian Thauer (2011). Racing to the Top? Firms' Regulatory Competition in Areas of Limited Statehood. In: Governance without a State? Policies and Politics in Areas of Limited Statehood. Edited by Thomas Risse and Ursula Lehmkuhl. New York: Columbia University Press.
Börzel, Tanja A., Anna Müller-Debus, Christian Thauer (2009). Firms, Associations and the Governance of HIV/AIDS in South Africa, Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte, 3 (2), 157-189.
Héritier A., A.K. Mueller-Debus and C. Thauer (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility and the Supply Chain. In: The Responsible Corporation. C. Crouch. Oxford, NY, Oxford University Press.
Hönke, Jana and Nicole Kranz (forthcoming). ‘Cleaning up their act or more? Mining companies and environmental protection in South Africa’. In: Börzel, Tanja A. and Christian Thauer (eds.), Business and Governance in South Africa. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hönke, Jana (forthcoming). ‘Between cause and cure. The mining industry and HIV/AIDS governance in South Africa’. In: Börzel, Tanja A. and Christian Thauer (eds.), Business and Governance in South Africa. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hönke, Jana, Nicole Kranz, Anna Müller-Debus, and Christian Thauer (forthcoming). ‘The Legacy of Apartheid: Business and Government in South Africa’. In: Börzel, Tanja A. and Christian Thauer (eds.), Business and Governance in South Africa. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hönke, Jana, Nicole Kranz, Tanja A. Börzel, Adrienne Héritier (2008). Fostering Environmental Regulation? CSR in South Africa, SFB Working Paper Series N°9, DFG Collaborative Research Centre 700, Berlin, January.
Kranz, Nicole (forthcoming). ‘Securing the Production Basis: Environmental Governance in the Food and Beverage Sector’. In: Börzel, Tanja A. and Christian Thauer (eds.), Business and Governance in South Africa. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Müller Debus, Anna (forthcoming). ‘In the Shadow of Anarchy. HIV/AIDS and the Problem Solving Capacity of the Textile Sector’. In: Börzel, Tanja A. and Christian Thauer (eds.),Business and Governance in South Africa. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Müller Debus, Anna (forthcoming). ‘Learning Par Force? The Governance of Environmental Protection in the Textile Sector’. In: Börzel, Tanja A. and Christian Thauer (eds.), Business and Governance in South Africa. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Thauer, Christian (forthcoming 2013). Coping with Uncertainty. The Contribution of Car Companies to the Governance of HIV/AIDS in South Africa. In: A Race to the Top? Business and Governance in South Africa. T.A. Börzel and C.R. Thauer (eds.). Houndmills: Palgrave.
Thauer, Christian (forthcoming 2013). Voluntary Engagement. Car Companies and Climate Change Mitigation in South Africa. In: Business and Climate Change Governance in South Africa. T.A. Börzel and R. Hamann (eds.). Houndmills: Palgrave.
Thauer, Christian (2012). Goodness Comes From Within. Intra-organizational Dynamics of Corporate Social Responsibility. In: Business and Society (in print).
Thauer, Christian (2010). “Corporate Social Responsibility in the Regulatory Void – Does the Promise Hold? Self-regulation by Business in South Africa and China” Dissertation Thesis. Freie Universität Berlin.