Leon Valentin Schettler

Research Project D8
Research Associate
Room 103
14197 Berlin
Leon Valentin Schettler is research associate in the Research Project D8 “'Talk and Action'. How International Organizations Respond to Areas of Limited Statehood”, which forms part of the Collaborative Research Center “Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood”. In the context of his work, he will be looking at food security programmes of international organizations and conduct field studies in Latin America and the Caribbean (Colombia and Haiti).
Leon Valentin Schettler graduated with a M.A. in Peace and Conflict Studies from Uppsala University where he focussed on the causes of violent conflict and possibilities for their prevention. Prior to this, he obtained his B.A. at the Liberal Arts College at Maastricht University (UCM) concentrating on Political Science, International Law and Philosophy. After his M.A. and until recently, he worked as an external research consultant for the Robert Bosch Foundation on conflict prevention and transformation.
His main fields of interest are the relationship between legitimacy and effectiveness in providing basic services in areas of limited statehood, resource scarcity as sources of conflict as well as the ability for reflection and learning on behalf of international governance actors.
- Schettler, L. & Litt, C..2012. „Self-Determination, Territorial Conflict or Both? Contrasting Perspectives on the Conflict in Western Sahara“, Gespräche mit Yahdih Bouchaab und Aliyen Habib Kentaoui, Interviews vom 22.03.2012 und 24.03.2012, erschienen beim Kölner Forum für für Internationale Beziehungen und Sicherheitspolitik e. V. (KFIBS). Download
- Schettler, L., Heucher, A. & Linke-Behrens, L. 2017. „Measuring Statehood on a Sub-National Level: A Dialogue among Methods", SFB- Governance Working Paper Series Nr. 71. Freie Universität Berlin. Download