Transfer Project T3 Holds Seminar for Junior Staff in German Foreign Policy and Workshop on Security Sector Reform (SSR)
News from Jul 10, 2015
The SFB’s transfer project T3, which focuses on the implications of governance research for German foreign policy, held two large events in March and April 2015. From March 9 to 11, the project organized an interdepartmental seminar titled “Between Stabilization and State-Building: Interdepartmental Engagement in Fragile States” at the Foreign Service Academy. About 60 junior staff members participated from the German Federal Foreign Office and other government departments. The seminar was one component of cooperation between the SFB 700 and the Federal Foreign Office. It aimed to enable participants to draw on the SFB’s research findings in order to develop alternative strategies in dealing with fragile states.
On April 22, the transfer project hosted a workshop titled “Challenging Germany’s Approach to SSR” at the offices of the SFB 700. Participants from civil society, academia, and organizations on the ground discussed the framework of German engagement and the potential for further developing SSR in the German context. The program included lectures and panel discussions on the strategic framework and current practices, as well as a working group discussion on discrepancies between the theory and implementation of SSR. The event laid the groundwork for an international SSR conference hosted by the Federal Foreign Office on May 4 in cooperation with the SFB 700.