Publikationen des Forschungsteams
Enderlein, Henrik/Wälti, Sonja/Zürn, Michael (Hrsg.) 2009: Handbook of Multi-Level Governance, Cheltenham: EdwardElgar Publishers (forthcoming)
Publizierte Artikel
In Journals
Enderlein, Henrik 2009: Global Governance der internationalen Finanzmärkte, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, 8/2009
Enderlein, Henrik 2007: Wer regiert die internationalen Finanzbeziehungen?, Internationale Politik, 6/2007
In Sammelbänden
Agronovsky, Alexander/Trebesch, Christoph 2009: Trade Credit during Financial Crises. Do Negotiated Agreements Work? in: Choi, J. Jay/ Papaioannou, Michael (Hrsg.): Credit, Currency or Derivatives: Instruments of Financial Stability or Crisis? International Finance Review Vol. 10, Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, UK, forthcoming.
Das, Udaibir/Papaioannou, Michael/Trebesch, Christoph 2009: Sovereign Default Risk and Private Sector Access to Capital in Emerging Markets. In: Primo Braga, Carlos A. /Dömeland, Dörte (Hrsg.) (forthcoming): Debt Relief and Beyond: Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead. World Bank Publishers, World Bank. Washington DC, forthcoming.
Enderlein, Henrik 2007: Makroökonomische Stabilisierung in Schuldenkrisen. Zur Bedeutung von Governance Aspekten in der Interaktion von privaten Gläubigern und staatlichen Schuldnern in Schwellenländern, in: Risse, Thomas/Lehmkuhl, Ursula (Hrsg.): Regieren ohne Staat? Governance in Räumen begrenzter Staatlichkeit, Baden-Baden, 247-271.
Enderlein, Henrik/Müller, Laura/ Trebesch, Christoph 2010: On the Role of the Private Sector in Sovereign Debt Crises, in: Risse, Thomas/Lehmkuhl, Urusla (Hrsg.): Governance without a State? Policies and Politics in Areas of Limited Statehood, New York, NY, forthcoming.
Müller, Laura 2008: Governance messen? Eine Bestandsaufnahme empirischer Ansätze, in: De La Rosa, Sybille/Höppner, Ulrike/Kötter, Matthias (Hrsg.): Transdisziplinäre Governanceforschung. Gemeinsam hinter den Staat blicken, Baden-Baden, 270-289.
Working Papers
Trebesch, Christoph 2009: The Cost of Aggressive Sovereign Debt Policies. How Much is the Private Sector Affected? IMF Working Paper 29/09, February 2009.
Trebesch, Christoph 2008: Economic Governance, SFB-Governance Working Paper Series, Nr. 11, DFG Sonderforschungsbereich 700, Berlin, May 2008.
Das, Udaibir/Papaioannou, Michael/Trebesch, Christoph 2008: Sovereign Default Risk and Corporate Access to Capital Markets - Presented at the „World Bank Conference on Debt Relief and Beyond”, Washington,DC, 30.-31.10.2008.
Enderlein, Henrik 2008: The Political Economy of Sovereign Debt Crises. Panel Chair at the „Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association (APSA)”, Boston 28.-31.8.2008.
Enderlein, Henrik 2007: Banking Alone. The Decline in International Monetary Cooperation. Presented at the „Annual Conference of the International Political Economy Society (IPES), Stanford, CA, 9.-10.11.2007.
Enderlein, Henrik 2007: Political Economy of International Finance (Panel Chair at the „European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Bi-annual Conference”, Pisa, 5.-6.9.2007).
Enderlein, Henrik/Müller, Laura/Trebesch, Christoph 2008: Democratic Threats. Regime Type and Debt Crisis Resolution - Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association (APSA) Boston, 28.-31.8.2008 and at the „Annual Conference of the International Political Economy Society (IPES)”, Philadelphia, PA, 14.-15.11.2008.
Enderlein, Henrik/Müller, Laura/Trebesch, Christoph 2008: Debt Disputes. Measuring Government Coerciveness in Sovereign Debt Crises. Presented at the „Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik”, Graz, 23.- 26.9.2008; at the „Annual Meeting of the European Society for Public Choice”, Jena, 27.-30.3.2008 and at the „Annual Conference of the International Studies Association”, San Francisco, CA, 26.-29.3.2008.
Müller, Laura 2008: Your Treasury’s Rich and Your Budget’s Good Looking? On the Role of Budgetary Institutions in the Resolution of Developing Country Debt Crisis. Presented at the „Joint Sessions of the European Consortium of Political Research”, Rennes, 12.-16.4.2008.
Müller, Laura 2008: Finance Minister in Distress. Testing the Role of Politics and Institutions in External Debt Stabilization. Presented at the „Columbia, Manchester and Brookings World Poverty Institute Summer Workshop on Poverty, Development and Globalization, Manchester, 2008.
Müller, Laura 2008: Good Institutions for Bad Times. On the Role of Fiscal Decentralization and Sovereign Default in Emerging Countries. Presented at the „Graduate Student Conference of the European Consortium of Political Research”, Barcelona, 25.-27.8.2008.
Trebesch, Christoph 2008: The Cost of Aggressive Sovereign Debt Policies. How Much is the Private Sector Affected? Presented at the „Conference on Sovereign and Public Debt and Default”, Warwick, 4.- 5.12.2008, at the „Annual Conference of the Latin American and Carribbean Economic Association (LACEA)”, Rio de Janeiro, 20.-22.11.2008 and at the „4th Macroeconomic Research Meeting”, Tübingen, 9.-10.5.2008.
Trebesch, Christoph 2008: Delays in Sovereign Debt Restructurings. Should we Really Blame the Creditors? Presented at the “Jahreskonferenz des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Committee on Development Economics”, Zürich, 2008 and at the „Panel of Economia”, Rio de Janeiro, 2008.